Walking the Calanques in May

The Calanques or as it is officially called in France the Parc National de Calanques (Parc national des Calanques | Site officiel (calanques-parc-national.fr) is a coastal stretch of approximately 25 km between the city outskirts of Marseille and La Ciotat. There are further protected stretches and coastal regions reaching as far as Bandol.
The protected national park was officially opened in 2012 but walking routes have existed many years before.

My beautiful French Vaisselier

Style is a lot about personality, upbringing and what you feel comfortable with. But I believe that there are some essentials to a style and what I think is most important is that it should always inspire and please the people that live with it. I enjoy living with old furniture, vintage household goods, antique things that show some wear and tear and character. I believe this is why I like the French country style. It includes exactly this.

Parler en Francais or why do you need to speak and understand French

I was a seventeen year old German exchange student in the United States,  living in an idyllic small town seaside village on the East coast and had my first encounter with Carole in High School. Carole was just like me, an exchange student in the US but she came from Paris, was a year older than me and simply beautiful. And yes: very French.