Our mas: From ugly duck to proud swan

There are many aspects that are important for a successful design and an appealing look.
This is a rather lengthy process and never a quick shot. While interior design is important it only happens when other homework has been done.
I am neither an architect nor an interior designer but I have been told many times that I have a good sense of style. What helps is that we have renovated before. Our German house is a 1910 house and we went through a similar process. Why don’t you follow this post and then decide for yourself?
When we bought our house perched in the heights overlooking the coastline of La Ciotat I was a far cry from thinking about interior design and furnishing.
Design aspects form a buy decision
How to handle the renovation backlog?
When we bought our house perched in the heights overlooking the coastline of La Ciotat I was a far cry from thinking about interior design and furnishing.
My beautiful French Vaisselier

Style is a lot about personality, upbringing and what you feel comfortable with. But I believe that there are some essentials to a style and what I think is most important is that it should always inspire and please the people that live with it. I enjoy living with old furniture, vintage household goods, antique things that show some wear and tear and character. I believe this is why I like the French country style. It includes exactly this.
You have to kiss a lot of frogs to find a prince

It was just early spring. There is a season for real estate in France too. In fall and winter the advertisements slowly dwindle and only very stubborn or needy sellers keep their ads reappearing and then all of a sudden come Easter, many new offers pop up online and there is a new chance to find the house of your dreams.